
Destia has chosen Telinekataja as its partner for widening Allikko Bridge

Through the Oulu–Kemi project, Telinekataja has a total of eight bridge sites on Highway 4, two of which have been contracted by Destia. Insulation and sealing has to be done under weather protection. The need for weather protection depends on the size and conditions of the project. The area to be protected in the Allikko bridge project was 123 metres long and 10 metres wide. “The weather conditions and the flooded Kiiminkijoki river brought on their own added challenges,” says Tuomas Puolimatka, Site Manager at Destia.

Oulu Destia

The Highway 4 Oulu–Kemi project, which includes a wide range of infrastructure planning and construction, started in 2017. The aim on a larger scale is to improve roads and bridges, then streamline traffic and connections in this growing area. Several contractors have participated in the project, which will be completed in autumn, 2021. Telinekataja weather protection has been utilised in eight bridge construction sites, two of which are contracted by Destia.

“One of our projects has been to widen the Allikko Bridge over the Kiiminkijoki River. This is a "plan and implement" (ST) model project, which in this case includes, among other things, the widening of three bridges, new noise protection and the construction of a three-lane bypass,” says Tuomas Puolimatka.

When conditions are challenging, one weather cover is changed into two sections

The schedules for the bridge construction sites are already inherently tight, but in infrastructure construction you must always be prepared for changes and surprises. The progress of the Allikko Bridge construction area was particularly slowed down by changing weather conditions.

“The flow of the Kiiminkijoki river intensified, the water level rose and the river began to flood, which damaged the temporary bridge. In the end, the auxiliary bridge had to be completely rebuilt. It’s arduous work, and needs time. At first, the intention was to isolate the Allikko bridge with one weather-protective shelter, but due to the changed traffic arrangements, we ended up installing it as two parts,” Puolimatka clarifies.

Installers at work around the clock

Since the summer of 2020, the Oulu unit of Telinekataja has been constantly working on bridge sites, 1–2 construction sites at a time. The whole project, which started in Oulu, will end at the eighth bridge, in Maksniemi.

Each bridge is its own project. As is often the case for bridge sites, the Allikko Bridge has also required very precise planning in order to succeed. In general, the bridge connection cannot be completely cut off, and operation must be secured in one way or another. Bridges are demanding sites, not only in terms of construction, but also in terms of weather protection.

“The attitude and professionalism of the installers was a real requirement, as the area to be protected was 123 metres long and 10 metres wide. The weather protection was installed through the night over four days. It was installed for a total of three weeks, and it took about three days to demolish,” says Teemu Kaijala, Foreman of Telinekataja.

ABAB Sverige

With iron expertise, competent design, guts and muscle strength, the desired result can be achieved. “Overall, the weather protection has worked well. The installations and dismantling have been done on schedule, despite the changes,” says Tuomas Puolimatka, Site Manager at Destia. 

ABAB Sverige

As is often the case for bridge sites, also the Allikko Bridge has required very precise planning and scheduling in order to succeed. “The weather protection was installed through the night for four days," says Teemu Kaijala, Telinekataja foreman.

“As agreed and on schedule, despite the changes”

In spite of everything, iron-fisted professionalism, competent design, guts and muscle power will achieve the desired result – even at the Allikko bridge site. Teemu Kaijala feels that Telinekataja has the necessary readiness and flexibility, as well as good interaction and problem-solving skills for particularly these kinds of challenges.

“Rapid response, constant communication and good communication are highlighted in infrastructure areas. There must also be available resources to respond with . You need strength to be able to deliver a big weather shelter in the middle of the summer, quickly” Teemu Kaijala says.

Although the progression of the project – one lane at a time – brought on its own challenges to performing the work, Destia’s Tuomas Puolimatka says that Telinekataja’s weather protection was sorely needed.

“We are satisfied with the cooperation. Overall, the weather shelter has worked really well. Installations and dismantling have gone as agreed, and on schedule, despite the changes. We think it’s great that communication between Destia and Telinekataja has been open and active from the very beginning. The changes have been reacted to nicely!”

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